
Use of Computer Policy


The Cold Lake Public Library has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy.

You must not use the Internet computers for illegal, actionable or criminal purposes or to seek access into unauthorized areas. You must not access inappropriate Internet sites that contain sexually explicit content or that depict excessively graphic violence toward a specific gender, ethnic or racial group.


Parents are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet. Children need to have a permission form signed by their parents in order to access the internet.

The Library has an “open access” policy which allows children to have the same access as adults to all materials in the Library. Children, like adults, are prohibited from accessing inappropriate sites. If Library staff becomes aware that a child has accessed a prohibited site, they will ask the child to leave the computer at once and the child will not be allowed to use the computers again that day.


Infringement of copyright is prohibited.


Downloading, transmission and export of material from inappropriate sites is prohibited.

If you fail to comply with these regulations, you will be asked to leave the library. If you commit a second offense, the Library Director may ban you from using the Internet computers or from entering any library facility for a period of time. (Safe Use Bylaw, Section 11)


The use of the Internet Computers is limited to 1 hour per patron at a time. Patrons may be allowed to book a second hour if there is an opening later in the day. Bookings will be accepted over the telephone for computer use but will be assigned to someone else if you are 15 minutes late for your assigned time.


The charge for printing is $.25 a page or $.15 per page if you bring your own paper. Colour printing is $1.00 a page.


The library does not offer electronic accounts. Email is available through various “free” email sites (i.e Hotmail)

Children's Safety on the Internet

The Canadian Library association document Have a safe trip! A Parent’s Guide to safety on the internet is available from Library Staff and on the Internet.

Disclaimer: The Cold Lake Public Library assumes no responsibility for the quality, accuracy, or currency of any Internet resource. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, loss of data, transmission of any viruses or loss of privacy arising from use of its World Wide Web server or its connection to other internet services.  

Materials Selection Policy

Our primary target populations are the pre-school child and the post high school adult. The collection is developed to meet the tastes and needs of the average citizen. Funds are inadequate to create and maintain collections that duplicate the area schools and university collections unless such materials also support the average adult citizen. Technical materials, or materials of an extremely narrow interest, will not usually be considered for ordering. Likewise, such donations will not likely be retained. If there is a need for a specific title or a very narrow subject range, the customer will be directed to use interlibrary loan.


Judgments of subject specialists, professionally trained librarians, and qualified book reviewers in national and international magazines, provide a balance of opinion as the basis for selection. Though a variety of criteria is used for each subject area, the final decision is based on the value of the material to the library and its public, regardless of the personal taste and opinions of the selectors. These standards apply equally to materials purchased, requested for inclusion, and accepted as gifts. Certain general criteria are as follows:

Appropriateness to our primary target groups of pre-school and adult customer or as a supplement to materials found in school libraries.

  1. The author’s significance as a writer and / or reputation as an authority on the topic.
  2. Importance of the subject matter to the collection.
  3. Comparison to other works in the field.
  4. Scarcity of material on the subject.
  5. Timeliness or permanence of the work.
  6. Appearance of title in special bibliographies or indexes.
  7. Reputation of the publisher.
  8. Authoritativeness.
  9. Availability of material elsewhere in the area.
  10. Price.
  11. Format.
  12. Attractiveness or appropriate binding (not yellowed or brittle; no underlining or writing in the book; and binding which can be reinforced to withstand public use, if necessary, are examples of acceptable appearance of materials).
  13. Currency of information.

Special aspects of material selection

Used Item Donation, Monetary Gifts, Memorials and Honorariums, Presentations, Patron Request

There are five types of materials acquisitions, which are not initiated by library staff. These include used item donations, monetary gifts, memorials and honorariums, presentations and patron requests.

A used item donation is material, which has been used by someone previously. Receipts are given if the donor asks for one. Donors are responsible for recording donations and estimating the value of the materials. The donor will be informed that the materials will be used, placed in the book sale or given to a neighbouring library. items which do not meet the book selection criteria will be rejected. Donors may specify if they wish to have material returned to them.

Monetary gifts are cash donations. The donor may specify the types of materials he wishes the library to obtain. If corporate matching funds are involved, the donor should be directed to donate to a Foundation Endowment Fund because the foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization. The donor should also be asked if such funds are intended for the Foundation Endowment account or to be spent immediately for books or other materials and equipment.

Memorials and honourariums are materials or funds donated in the name of an individual. Funds collected for a memorial or honourarium should cover the cost of the book or material being purchased. The staff will inform the donor of any problems in obtaining material with the available funds. The donor may wish to have the funds placed in the Library Development Fund for future purchases of library materials when the donated funds are not sufficient to cover the cost of an item. If a specific title is donated or requested, the inclusion of the specific item must meet the selection criteria. When specific titles are not requested, the library staff will make every effort to obtain a memorial or honourarium title which has lasting value. For this reason best sellers and mass market paperbacks are usually avoided. Staff members assigned to purchasing particular types of material will make the selection, keeping the importance of “lasting value” in mind. A plate designating the memorial or honorarium will be included in or on the material requested or donated.

Presentations are pre-purchased books, usually new, offered by individuals or organizations. Inclusion of specific titles must meet the selection criteria. A plate designating the presentation will be placed in or on the material donated.

Once a donation has been received, a thank you card will be sent to the donor and an announcement card sent to the family of the deceased or the person being honoured , the organization or the individual making the presentation, or the donor of the monetary gift.

After a period of time, a memorial, honourarium, or presentation will be withdrawn due to wear, obsolescence, or loss. In most cases, the item will not be replaced, especially in the case of obsolescence. If an item is replaced, a new plate will be placed in the book.

Patrons may request that a particular item be purchased. If the requested item meets the collection development guidelines and if there are sufficient funds, such items will be purchased.

The collection may include:

  1. Works of recognized authors, within the realm of each author’s specific contribution, regardless of his moral or political reputation.
  2. Works of potential historical significance, regardless of political, scientific, or social variance.
  3. Educational video; instructional audio and video; books on tape, abridged and unabridged; CD-ROM audio; CD-ROM video (computer based); CDs (music or spoken word) and DVDs (movies) and other similar media.

The collection will not include:

Collector items, such as rare books. The library does not have the resources or staff necessary for the development, maintenance, and display of this kind of collection.

Volunteer Policy

Intent: The Cold Lake Public Library recognizes the valuable contribution made by volunteers. The Cold Lake Public Library’s Volunteer Program creates opportunities for individuals in the community to experience personal satisfaction while performing valuable service for the community: serve as a method for area residents to become familiar with the library and supplements the efforts of paid library staff.

  1. A volunteer is a person who performs tasks for the Cold Lake Public Library without wages, benefits, or compensation (including travel expenses) of any kind. Examples include individuals in the community, and the Friends of the Cold Lake Public Library (Grand Centre and Harbour View Branch).
  2. Library Volunteers will not be used to supplant or displace established staff positions but rather are delegated to tasks that complement and enhance library services.
  3. In acknowledgement of their invaluable contributions, volunteers are treated as staff members and are given appropriate orientation, training and recognition.
  4. The recruitment, training, supervision and dismissal of volunteers are the responsibility of the Branch Supervisors.
  5. Tasks that may be performed by volunteers:
  • Shelving
  • Shelf reading
  • Delivery of materials to shut-ins
  • Special projects
  • Care of library plants
  • Assistance preparing for programs


All persons wishing to volunteer at the Cold Lake Public Library, excluding those who are assigned through the Schools or Correctional Services, must submit a volunteer application form as well have as a Criminal Records Check from the RCMP completed before they are accepted as a volunteer with the Cold Lake Public Library. The completion of a Criminal Records check from the RCMP is for the protection of all parties – staff, volunteers and patrons.

Confidentiality of Library Patron Records Policy

  1. The Cold Lake Public Library supports every patron’s right to have his or her library records remain confidential.
  2. Library records include patron registration data, circulation records, overdue, ILL and reserve/hold records, participation in library sponsored programs, record of library visits, record of internet usage and / or any data that contain information that links a specific patron to specific materials or services used.
  3. Each patron, excluding children under 12 and all secondary family cardholders (please see family membership for details), has individual control over his or her library card and presentation of the card permits access to information about the borrower’s current circulation record.
  4. Except during the actual period of transaction (circulation, maintenance of record on unpaid fines, reservation of materials), the library will not maintain a record of transactions. When no longer needed for library administration purposes, records will be expunged.
  5. In compliance with the FOIP Act, no information will be released to any person, agency or organization, except in response to a valid court order or subpoena, properly presented to the library administrator.
  6. Nothing in this policy shall prevent authorized library personnel from using library records in the administration of their regular duties.

Rules of Conduct / Acceptable Behaviour Policy

  1. Every individual has the right to use the Cold Lake Public Library undisturbed. Every library employee has the right to work without undue interference. All library users and employees should be free of any threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity.
  2. No person shall engage in any conduct that disturbs or interferes with patrons or employees of the Library, as interpreted by the staff member on duty.
  3. Patrons will be informed of specific behaviours deemed unacceptable through signs posted in the branches.
  4. Procedures for dealing with disruptive or inappropriate behaviour in the Cold Lake Public Library are in the Staff Policy and Procedures Manual.
  5. Behaviour that violates City, provincial or federal law will be reported to the police immediately.
  6. The Cold Lake Public Library Board will be notified of any incidents reported to the police by the Library Director or designate for information purposes.